Love Letter & Wine Box Ceremony
A recent trend in wedding ceremonies is to incorporate a wine box and love letter ceremony. In the United States it seems to be rather new or even unheard of. The bride and groom write a love letter, not to be shared with each other. Bother will write about what made you fall in love with the other person, how you have grown since you both met, and what your hopes and dreams are for the future. Both seal your letter in an envelope and give it to your officiant. During the actual wedding ceremony, the officiant will say something like this:
“Bride & Groom have chosen to perform a Love Letter & Wine Box ceremony. For those of you who have never seen this before, this box contains a bottle of wine and a love letter from each to the other. The letters describe the good qualities they find in one another, the reasons they fell in love, and their hopes for their future together. The letters are sealed in individual envelopes and they have not seen what the other has written. Should the bride & groom find their marriage facing hardships, they will open this box, sit and drink the wine together, then read the letters they wrote to one another to be reminded of the reasons why they are together. However, the hope is that the bride & groom will never have a reason to open this box. And if this is the case, they are to open this box to share and enjoy on their 5th year wedding anniversary, replenish and open on their 10th anniversary, and so on.”
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